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Rules of Play

Play Up Policy

The following policy has been established for those who request to "Play Up" a division. Division placement is based on player age as of April 30th (see our League Age Chart)

Who's Eligible?

If a player's date of birth is within 12-months of the minimum eligibility date for a division, they are eligible to participate in the assessment for that division.


T-Ball Participants wanting to play Rookie
T-ball participates wishing to play-up will need to have a written recommendation from their previous year coach that will be evaluated by the Board based on player safety and equality of game facilitation for the division.

Rookie Participants wanting to play Minors
To qualify to "play-up" in the Minors division, the player must meet the following criteria:

  • The player must be age-eligible as an 8-year old based on player age as of April 30th (see our League Age Chart)
  • The player must attend the player assessment, or obtain a waiver from the Board of Directors.
  • The player must be cleared to safely participate in Minors without being a hazard to themselves or other competitors.

Minors Participants wanting to play Majors
To qualify to "play-up" in the Majors division, the player must meet the following criteria:

  • The player must be age-eligible as an 10-year old based on player age as of April 30th (see our League Age Chart)
  • The player must attend the player assessment, or obtain a waiver from the Board of Directors.
  • The player must be cleared to safely participate in Majors without being a hazard to themselves or other competitors.


Play Down Policy

A parent may request that their child stay in a division when they would normally move to the next division if there is a safety concern. This request will be reviewed by the Competition Committee of the Board.

Rain Outs

  1. The Town of Wilton and/or the Saratoga Springs Rec Department have the authority to close the fields, thus cancelling or postponing all games.
  2. Prior to the start of a game the Board of Directors reserves the discretion to cancel or postpone any game for any reason (or no reason). The decision to cancel games falls to either the SWYB President, Vice President, or Board Member on Duty for the day.
  3. In the event that games are cancelled prior to their start, a league-wide email will be sent out confirming the cancellation. The Board will make every reasonable effort to additionally contact coaches directly, and publish on social media. Make up dates will be made according to field availability.
  4. Once the patch umpire has taken the field, only he/she has the authority to stop the game. If a game is stopped, it is governed by the Babe Ruth League Official Baseball Rules & Regulations & Official playing Rules. The Board of Director reserves the discretion to cancel a stopped or suspended game for any reason (or no reason).

Coaches cannot cancel or reschedule games for any reason.


Make-Up Games

If a game is Rained Out or stopped before becoming an official game, SWYB will make every reasonable effort to make-up on the next night/day the field is available.


Background Check Policy

Each season Saratoga Wilton Youth Baseball's (SWYB) Safety Coordinator will conduct background checks, consisting of a nationwide search that contains the applicable government sex offender registry data. If any screened person shows up in this nationwide search the person will be asked to consent to a more in-depth background check. SWYB will utilize a professional screening service to conduct this more extensive search.

SWYB has identified the following volunteers as persons who regularly provide service to the league and/or have repetitive access to, or conact with, players or teams, and therefore must be screened:

  • Team Head Coach*
  • Team Assistant Coach*
  • SWYB Board Members

*For each team that is formed SWYB requires a Head Coach and two Assistant Coaches to be named.