Field time is very limited which does not allow us to have preset practice schedules set on a league wide basis. Practices are booked by each team's head coach on a week-to-week basis based on field and team availability, so the frequency and duration of practices can vary from team to team. You should expect to practice at least once per week for an hour. Once your player has been placed on a roster, your head coach will communicate all practice dates and times.
The game schedule will be available in early April on our website from the main menu by clicking Babe Ruth > Spring 202X and then clicking on the Game Schedule tab.
Teams will play a minimum of 12 games on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays between mid-April and the end of June. Each team will play one mid-Week game and one Saturday game every week.
In the event of rain, mid-week games will be moved to Friday of the same week in the same time slot at the same venue. Rain outs on Saturdays can result in make up games any day of the week since every team plays on Saturday, and no other day of the week has the same field availability.